
Add chemtrails to INSTALLED_APPS in your file.


    'chemtrails',                     # Core functionality
    'chemtrails.contrib.permissions'  # If you want to use the permission system (requires django-rest-framework)

Chemtrails settings

Settings for chemtrails are all namespaced in the CHEMTRAILS setting dictionary.


    # Flip the chemtrails-switch. Boolean value to indicate that mind-control fluid should
    # be released and all the worlds knowledge written to the Neo4j database.
    # Defaults to True.
    'ENABLED': True,

    # Maximum depth of recursive connections to be made when synchronizing a node.
    # Defaults to 1, which means that the node will recursively connect to other nodes,
    # which has a direct connection to the source node. Setting a value of 2 will cause
    # each connected node to recursively connect their directly connected nodes and so on.
    # Setting to 0 will disable connecting relationships.

    # If True, relationships will be named (loosely) after the attribute name
    # on the Django model. If False, relationships will have a generic name of
    # either 'RELATES_TO', 'RELATES_FROM' or 'MUTUAL_RELATION' based on the relationship type.
    # Defaults to True.

    # If True, make a META relation between the meta-node instance and the node
    # instances for this type.
    # Defaults to False.

    # A list of models that should be excluded from mirroring.
    # Defaults to the example shown below.